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The Super Sow-Lite is a purpose built lightweight seed drill designed specifically for use behind ATVs and Compact Tractors. Its original concept goes back to the mid 80's. After much "R & D" the Sow-Lite ATV drill was developed. This was a world first and proved very successful not only for grass mixes but also as a general purpose light seed drill, capable of handling all types and sizes of seed from Oil Seed Rape right through to Beans and Maize. This was possible as the drill uses a pegged roller metering system with an agitator to prevent seed bridging, driven then by a 200 speed gearbox. The standard "tine type" coulters have proved themselves in various conditions, from working on prepared seed beds to re-seeding into already established crops. A unique advantage here being, any of the coulters may be raised out of work independently, thereby allowing any combination of rows to be drilled at any spacing combination, or re-drilled in the event of bad establishment or blocked coulters at first sowing. Extra unwanted tramlines may also be drilled out with ease. The Super Sow - Lite was originally designed as a 16 row drill with a coulter spacing of 12.5 cm and proved extremely versatile. However, following a request from an established customer back in 2009, the design was altered to produce a new 12 row - 16 cm spacing drill aimed at sowing game cover and conservation crops.
One of the challenges was that the customer wished to be able to sow two or more types of seed at one pass, for example maize with a nurse crop of sorghum. This required a few new ideas, independent depth control of two banks of coulters and the ability to carry different seeds separately in one hopper. This was solved by having two banks of 6 coulters, each with their own depth control mechanism. For mounted models, two sets of screw adjusters sufficed. However, for trailed models it was more difficult as these had to be raised and lowered by one electric actuator. The answer was found in a clever variable parallel link that allows independent depth setting between front and rear, but also ensures both banks of coulters raise to the same height for clearance when travelling or turning. The hopper was fitted with divider panels to give 12 separate compartments, enabling different seed types to be carried but also allowing a complete fill with one type if needed. A new gearbox had been on the "drawing board" for a while and this was the ideal opportunity to put it into work and the new Vari-Sow variable drive box was put together. A simple screw knob adjusts the seed rate steplessly between max. and min. settings. Other refinements include the fitting of adjustable press wheels for the front coulters which help control deeper sowing depths and also firm soil around maize etc. More recently we have also added covering blades that ensure more soil is placed over the drill before pressing. Now improved and re-badged as the Super Sow-Lite "12 / 2" (12 row) and "16 / 2" (16 row), the drills features greater coulter clearance, longer coulter arms, metering units driven from the left-hand land wheel, hopper agitator to avoid "clumping", easily variable coulter pressure, unused coulters may be pinned up out of work, folding drawbar or Cat 1 linkage and many more improvements making it the best and most universal ATV seed drill on the market to-day.
"16 / 2" Narrow Row Model Calibration is simple and accurate once set. Sowing rate is proportionate to forward speed, therefore variations in forward speed do not affect seed rate. Seed cups and tubes are easily removed, allowing quick calibration and full, easy clean out after work. The Super Sow-Lite may be used as a conventional drill ( "16 / 2" model) for sowing cereals, particularly on small farms and in restricted areas. However it really comes into its own in its "12 / 2" game cover version when used for game strips and areas such as field margins. Jobs ideally suited to its 2 metre working width. Contractors could not choose a better machine for grass sowing, particularly on areas where access is difficult or the surface may not support a full size machine. Amenity areas, motorway embankments and roadsides can all be seeded easily. Seed can be sown in 4 different ways depending upon requirements: 1.....Conventionally "down the tube" into the ground behind the coulter 2.....Broadcast "down the tube" 3.....Broadcast onto the surface by removing the seed tubes and raising the coulters 4.....Broadcast into lowered coulters, giving light soil cover of the seed
The coulters are raised and lowered by an electric actuator (trailed model) powered from the ATV battery, (at the same time activating seed on/off) and are fitted with spring covering tines to leave a finished surface behind the drill. These tines may be easily removed to reduce soil action if needed.
(see gallery for some early model pictures!) Features
MOUNTED SOW - LITE MK 3 across the sea!!!!
In November 2006 we supplied a new tractor mounted MK3 16 row Sow-Lite to a group of customers who farm on St. Mary's on the Isles of Scilly. The drill will be used mostly for sowing cover crops after the cropping of flowers.
SOW-LITE ATV Mounted Seed Drill / Broadcaster
A new version of our Mounty seed drill is coming soon. Watch this space. It will be available for hire or purchase this autumn.
Further details and pricing available upon request.
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